Quick Reference
A quick reference to the components that comprise the VLINGO XOOM platform.
The following components are available for use.
The platform adoption accelerator for Java and other JVM languages, C# and F# .NET, including a lightning fast quick boot and model designer for a quick starter for every new application and microservice.
A reactive HTTP server that provides request-response services that can be embedded into any given service, and supports both REST and RPC. It is small, fast, and promotes fluent APIs that adhere to your DDD Ubiquitous Language as a first-class concern.
Tooling for reactive Domain-Driven Design projects, and featuring highly concurrent models. Includes compute grid, actor/object caching, object spaces, cross-node cluster messaging, object aggregates, state aggregates, event sourced aggregates, CQRS with projections, messaging exchanges, and long-running processes (aka Sagas).
The Reactive Streams implementation built on the XOOM Actors Reactive, concurrent, asynchronous runtime foundation.
An advanced schema registry provides the means to safely publish standard types that are made available to client services. Provides command-line interface and Web-based UI.
The Reactive, scalable, and resilient CQRS, Event Sourcing, Key-Value, and Object storage for services and applications. With three major persistence types, all based on reactive and actors, there is no strong opinion about a given approach to persistence. Teams are the best to determine their needs, which may be different between Entity types and from one Bounded Context to another. We support a number of cloud and traditional storage engines: DynamoDB, Apache Geode, and various JDBC types.
The type-safe Actor Model toolkit for reactive concurrency, scalability, and resiliency using Java and other JVM languages, serving as the foundation for the message-driven platform. Actors are objects, but without direct method invocations. Instead actors send and receive messages asynchronously.
The way to scale your services across a number of nodes, whose components can communicate and collaborate with components on any given node.
The means by which services register with the system and discover collaborators. It's not a passive "look-up registry." It is a publisher of service availability and access.
A small set of reusable components used by multiple platform components. (Don't worry, this is not a catchall.)
Wire protocol messaging implementations, such as with full-duplex TCP, UDP multicast, and RSocket, using XOOM Actors.
An identity and access management tool used by the VLINGO XOOM platform where data and its use must be secured. Your services may use this facility but are not required to. (Currently experimental.)
The reactive metrics collector plugin for the VLINGO XOOM platform, including support for HTTP, Lattice, Streams, Actors, and others.
A set of tool plugins supporting build automation for Actors and accessing the REST-based API of XOOM Schemata using Maven.
See each of the documents for guidance on how to use the individual platform components.
Last updated