XOOM Cloud Demo

Describes the installation of XOOM Cloud Demo application

This demo showcases the use of the VLINGO XOOM Cloud product that is published on the AWS Marketplace.

For convenience, a Docker image with this application is published automatically to xoom-cloud-demo, which is the VLINGO public repository for AWS. In practice, the application has to be built, packaged, and deployed using the your own AWS ECR repository.


All the steps described in the XOOM Cloud AWS Infrastructure and XOOM Cloud Operator documentation must be completed before using this demo.

Get the Demo Application

Clone the XOOM Cloud Platform repository that is hosted on GitHub. It contains the demo application.

Run the Demo Application

To run the XOOM Cloud Demo application, use the following command.

kubectl create -f aws-demo/nodes.yml

You may decommission the demo application as follows.

kubectl delete -f aws-demo/nodes.yml

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